Your dog’s vaccinations need to be given annually. To help you keep your dog protected we run a reminder service that informs you when these vaccinations are due.
Vaccinations protect your dog from many infectious diseases. These include:
DISTEMPER is a highly contagious, often fatal disease. It usually affects the respiratory, nervous, and intestinal systems and is especially dangerous to puppies.
CANINE INFECTIOUS HEPATITIS is an infectious disease of the liver.
LEPTOSPIROSIS is a bacterial infection that causes kidney disease. It is transmitted by rodents.
PARVOVIRUS is an often fatal disease of the intestinal tract.
Vaccinations for the above diseases are delivered in a combined injection. This makes it more convenient for you and your dog and it means that there is no delay in your dogs protection.
Kennel cough vaccination
BORDETELLA is one of the strains that we can vaccinate against. This is a nasal vaccine. We recommend this vaccination if your pet is going into kennels or if it is at high risk. Each vaccine lasts 12 months and can be added to the reminder service.
Your cat’s vaccinations need to be given annually. To help you keep your cat protected we run a reminder service that informs you when these vaccinations are due.
Vaccinations protect your cat from many infectious diseases. These include:
CALICIVIRUS & HERPESVIRUS are commonly known as Cat Flu. These can cause sneezing, fever, loss of appetite (anorexia), inflammation around the eyes / nose and ulcers in the mouth. Healthy adult cats usually recover from it. Kittens and older cats are at greater risk of serious complications.
FELINE PANLEUKOPAENIA (Feline Distemper) is a highly contagious, often fatal disease, and is especially dangerous to kittens. Symptoms include loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhoea, high fever and depression.
CHLAMYDIA can cause conjunctivitis.
FELINE LEUKAEMIA (FELV) is a viral disease caused by a retrovirus that can be transmitted between cats. It can cause immunosuppression, tumours and can be fatal.
Your rabbit can be vaccinated against myxomatosis and viral haemorrhagic disease (VHD)
This usually causes fatal disease in rabbits. It is highly contagious, spread easily by vectors as small as fleas or flies. The first signs are swollen eyes and genitals. It is important that all rabbits are vaccinated ideally every 12 months.
Viral Haemorrhagic disease (VHD)
This can rapidly cause fatal disease in rabbits. Your pet rabbit can be vaccinated against VHD and should be done every 12 months.